Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chapter 1 †Research in Business, Chapter 2 †Ethics in Business Research

CHAPTER 1 – RESEARCH IN BUSINESS Why Study Business Research? Business research provides information to guide business decisions. Business research plays an important role in an environment that emphasizes measurement. Return on investment (ROI) is the calculation of the financial return for all business expenditures and it is emphasized more now than ever before. Business research expenditures are increasingly scrutinized for their contribution to ROMI. Research Should Reduce Risk The primary purpose of research is to reduce the level of risk of a marketing decision.Business Research Defined A process of determining, acquiring, analyzing, synthesizing, and disseminating relevant business data, information, and insights to decision makers in ways that mobilize the organization to take appropriate business actions that, in turn, maximize business performance. What’s Changing in Business that Influences Research Several factors increase the relevance for studying business research. †¢Information overload. While the Internet and its search engines present extensive amounts of information, its quality and credibility must be continuously evaluated.The ubiquitous access to information has brought about the development of knowledge communities and the need for organizations to leverage this knowledge universe for innovation—or risk merely drowning in data. Stakeholders now have more information at their disposal and are more resistant to business stimuli. †¢Technological connectivity. Individuals, public sector organizations, and businesses are adapting to changes in work patterns (real-time and global), changes in the formation of relationships and communities, and the realization that geography is no longer a primary constraint. Shifting global centers of economic activity and competition.The rising economic power of Asia and demographic shifts within regions highlight the need for organizations to expand their knowledge of consumers, suppliers, talent pools, business models, and infrastructures with which they are less familiar. †¢Increasingly critical scrutiny of big business. The availability of information has made it possible for all a firm’s stakeholders to demand inclusion in company decision making, while at the same time elevating the level of societal suspicion. More government intervention. As public-sector activities increase in order to provide some minimal or enhanced level of social services, governments are becoming increasingly aggressive in protecting their various constituencies by posing restrictions on the use of managerial and business research tools. †¢Battle for analytical talent. Managers face progressively complex decisions, applying mathematical models to extract meaningful knowledge from volumes of data and using highly sophisticated software to run their organizations.The shift to knowledge-intensive industries puts greater demand on a scarcity of well-trained talent with advanced analytical skills. †¢Computing Power and Speed. Lower cost data collection, better visualization tools, more computational power, more and faster integration of data, and real-time access to knowledge are now manager expectations†¦not wistful visions of a distant future. †¢New Perspectives on Established Research Methodologies. Older tools and methodologies, once limited to exploratory research, are gaining wider acceptance in dealing with a wider range of managerial problems.Business Planning Drives Business Research An organization’s mission drives its business goals, strategies, and tactics and, consequently, its need for business decision support systems and business intelligence. Hierarchy of Business Decision Makers Visionaries, Standardized Decision Makers, Intuitive Decision Makers †¢In the bottom tier, most decisions are based on past experience or instinct. Decisions are also supported with secondary data searches. †¢In the mi ddle tier, some decisions are based on business research. †¢In the top tier, every decision is guided by business research.Firms develop proprietary methodologies and are innovative in their combination of methodologies. There is access to research data and findings throughout the organization. Research May Not Be Necessary Business research is only valuable when it helps management make better decisions. A study may be interesting, but if it does not help improve decision-making, its use should be questioned. Research could be appropriate for some problems, but insufficient resources may limit usefulness. Information Value Chain Computers and telecommunications lowered the costs of data collection. Data management is now possible and necessary given the quantity of raw data. †¢Models reflect the behavior of individuals, households, and industries. †¢A DSS integrates data management techniques, models, and analytical tools to support decision making. †¢Data must be more than timely and standardized; it must be meaningful. These are all characteristics of the information value chain. Characteristics of Good Research Clearly defined purpose, detailed research process, thoroughly planned design, high ethical standards, limitations addressed, adequate analysis, unambiguous presentation, conclusions justified, credentialsHow the Research Industry Works Some Organizations Use Internal Research Sources; Internal researchers are â€Å"in-house. † Some Organizations Use External Research Sources; External research suppliers can be further classified into business research firms, communication agencies, consultants, and trade associations. Business Research Firms Business research firms may be full-service or specialty-based. †¢Full-service firms conduct all phases of research from planning to insight development. They may offer custom projects tailored to a client’s needs and/or proprietary work. Proprietary methodologies are prog rams or techniques that are owned by a single firm. †¢Specialty firms establish expertise in one or a few research methodologies. They represent the largest number of research firms and tend to dominate the small research firms operated by a single research firm or a very small staff. †¢Syndicated data providers track the change of one or more measures over time, usually in a given industry. †¢Some research firms offer omnibus studies that combine one or a few questions from several business decision makers who need information from the same population.CHAPTER 2 – ETHICS IN BUSINESS RESEARCH Ethical Treatment of Participants Research must be designed so that a participant does not suffer physical harm, discomfort, pain, embarrassment, or loss of privacy. This slide lists the three guidelines researchers should follow to protect participants. When discussing benefits, the researcher should be careful not to overstate or understate the benefits. Informed consent means that the participant has given full consent to participation after receiving full disclosure of the procedures of the proposed study.Characteristics of Informed Consent Since 1966, all projects with federal funding are required to be reviewed by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). An IRB evaluates the risks and benefits of proposed research. The review requirement may be more relaxed for projects that are unlikely to be risky – such as marketing research projects. Many institutions require that all research – whether funded or unfunded by the federal government – be reviewed by a local IRB. The IRBs concentrate on two areas. First is the guarantee of obtaining complete, informed consent from participants.The second is the risk assessment and benefit analysis review. Complete informed consent has four characteristics and these are named in the slide. 1. The participant must be competent to give consent. 2. Consent must be voluntary, and free from coercion. 3. Participants must be adequately informed to make a decision. 4. Participants should know the possible risks or outcomes associated with the research. Ethical Responsibilities Special consideration is necessary when researching the behavior and attitudes of children.Besides providing informed consent, parents are often interviewed during the selection process to ensure that the child is mature enough and has the verbal and physical capabilities necessary. Deception Disguising non-research activities. Camouflaging true research objectives. Debriefing Explain any deception, Describe purpose, Share results, Provide follow-up. In situations where participants are intentionally or accidentally deceived, they should be debriefed once the research is complete. Debriefing describes the goals of the research, as well as the truth and reasons for any deception.Results are shared after the study is complete. Participants who require any medical or psychological follow-up attention will rece ive it during the debriefing process. Right to Privacy Right to refuse, prior permission to interview, limit time required. Data Mining Ethics The convenience of collecting data online has created new ethical issues. Data mining offers infinite possibilities for research abuse. The primary ethical data mining issues in cyberspace are privacy-related including consent to information collection and control of information dissemination.Legitimate data miners publicly post their information security policies. The EU countries have passed the European Commission’s data protection directive. Under the directive, commissioners can prosecute companies and block Web sites that fail to live up to its strict privacy standards. Confidentiality Sponsor nondisclosure, purpose nondisclosure, findings nondisclosure Ethics And The Sponsor Occasionally, researchers may be asked by sponsors to participate in unethical behavior. What can the researcher do to remain ethical? There are four sugges tions provided in the slide.The researcher can attempt to 1. ducate the sponsor to the purpose of the research, 2. explain the researcher’s role as a fact-finder, 3. explain how distorting the truth or breaking faith will lead to future problems, and 4. if the others fail, terminate the relationship. Effective Codes of Ethics Many organizations have codes of ethics. A code of ethics is an organization’s codified set of norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about research behavior. Effective codes are those that 1) are regulative, 2) protect the public interest and the interests of the profession served by the code, 3) are behavior-specific, and 4) are enforceable.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Preliminary PDHPE Assignment Essay

1) Recount the story of the individual in relation to how the adversity they faced as affected their health status. The individual who I decided to research is now well known for her job hosting the Biggest Loser, Hayley Lewis. At 15 years old Hayley Lewis had won 5 Gold medals at the 1990 Commonwealth Games. She weighed 58kg and never thought anything about her weight at the time as she was fit, healthy and muscular. A magazine came out saying that she was â€Å"a fit 15 year old but a bit heavy legged. † From then on she started to get bigger and bigger. A year later her weight had crept up to 65kg and by the 1992 Barcelona Olympics she weighed 73kg. Hayley was told by her coach to lose weight and the more and more she was told, the more she turned to food for comfort. By being told she was â€Å"heavy legged† from the media and being told to lose weight the more this impacted on her physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. By being overweight this cut short Hayley’s swimming career as she was embarrassed, suffered anxiety and hated being publicly scrutinised. Hayley Lewis also hated getting out of bed because she knew she had to put on her â€Å"togs†. She said that she was racing with girls 20kg lighter and you can’t hide anything when you’re in swimmers. She also said that she used to focus on her weight every time she jumped up on to the starting block instead of focusing on her race. By being judged because of her physical appearance made her quit her swimming career because she felt that she didn’t fit in anywhere. This affected both her mental and spiritual health. Because Hayley Lewis had a negative physical health status this impacted on her emotional health as all the dimensions of health are interdependent on one another and when one area of health is going downhill this can impact on all the other aspects of an individuals’ health status. Hayley Lewis had a low self-esteem and didn’t believe in herself. This was because she was bullied about her physical appearance and the media made her feel shameful about her weight. She didn’t enjoy the success of being a swimmer either because of the shame and guilt she felt about herself and her personal body image. Another factor that could have made an impact on Hayley’s health status is the death of her younger sister as this could have made her turn to food for comfort. Hayley Lewis had to face a 20 year weight battle from when she was 15 until she was 35 when she had her second child. During her pregnancy Hayley gained another 25kg. When she got a phone call from Jenny Craig to become an ambassador she finally realised how overweight she was and decided to do something about it. She lost 4kg in the first week and was finally getting back on track and gaining these precious years of her life back. Hayley Lewis is now the current host of the Biggest Loser and says she can relate to the contestants so well as she knows exactly what they have been through and what they are going through. She hopes to inspire them and become as good a role model as she can so they get to love themselves the way she does about herself now. Hayley Lewis has faced major adversity in her life and it has affected her health status physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. She has finally pulled through and is at a great point in her life, has overcome her weight battles and has made herself proud for where her body has gotten her today. a) Evaluate how the dimensions of health have interacted to construct the health status of the individual. Hayley Lewis’ physical, mental, social and spiritual health have interacted to construct Hayley’s current health status as all these dimensions are interdependent upon one another. If one aspect of health is positive then this will most likely have an impact on all the other aspects of an individual’s health. Hayley’s physical health when she was younger was fairly poor. When Jenny Craig came into the picture this made Hayley become aware and realise just how poor her physical health was. Because of this sudden realisation, this has constructed Hayley Lewis’ current health status in many ways because she finally did something about her poor health. She started to lose weight and the motivation of the Jenny Craig program helped her pull through. She was given meal and exercise plans but as a retired swimmer she was used to having the pre-organised eating and training schedule. She had overcome her previous body image demons and she realised that she had a new focus in life because of becoming a parent. She had to step up and become the best role model she could be for her children. She threw out all the old photos she had of herself as an overweight teenager and returned to the pool in 2000 with a renewed confidence. She still has â€Å"good days and bad days, like everyone† but has learnt to love, admire, appreciate and nurture her body with respect as you only get one. Her previous physical health has now constructed Hayley’s current health status as she is now a size 8-10, lost 20kg and has maintained her weight by eating nutritiously, planning her meals and exercising often. Hayley now has a positive physical health status and hopes to inspire others, such as the biggest loser contestants, with her own personal inspiring story. Hayley Lewis’ emotional health has had a major impact on the construction of her current health status. Mentally, Hayley never used to believe in herself and had a very low self-esteem and body image. Now that she has become aware of her poor health status and has lost 20kg she now has a positive headspace and a positive outlook on life. She has a renewed confidence but still has â€Å"bad days† like everyone. By relating to the current biggest loser contestants this has made her feel proud to where her body and mind has gotten her today and wants to help them out so they can feel how she feels about herself now. Hayley’s new and improved positive emotional health has had a major impact on all the other aspects of her health and has created an overall positive health and wellbeing for herself as the dimensions of health are all interdependent upon one another. When Hayley Lewis was younger her social health suffered because she was overweight physically and didn’t look positive on life because of her poor emotional health. She was bullied, compared to others and was always being judged, if not by the media, by her coach and family & friends. She now has a very positive social health as she is now married to a very understanding and cooperative husband and has 2 children. Her confidence is now booming compared to when she was fighting her 20 year weight battle. Her confidence has allowed her to improve her relationships with family and friends and now she can also relate to the biggest loser contestants because they have become her friends. She is very inspirational towards these contestants and has also become very close to them and helping them renew their lives and start fresh. Spiritually, Hayley now feels a sense of belonging and worth compared to the adversity she faced because she has fought and finally won her weight battles. She is now fit and healthy, can relate to and feels apart of the biggest loser family and also has a special family of her own. She now has a very positive headspace and this has impacted on and changed her life in many ways. Hayley’s life changing experience of winning her 20 year weight battled has occurred because she finally became aware of how poor her health was. The 4 dimensions of health, physical, mental, social and spiritual, have all worked together with each other and have constructed Hayley Lewis’ current health status in a very positive way. Because she started losing weight she noticed that all her emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health have benefited her overall health. This is because all these dimensions are interdependent upon each other and construct the overall health status of an individual. b) Evaluate how the relative and dynamic nature of health has impacted upon the health status of the individual. Due to her own personal experiences Hayley Lewis would now rate her health as being optimal. She has battled with her weight for 20 years and has finally overcome that. As well as being at her goal weight by eating healthy, exercising and creating meal plans for herself she has to take into account how the relative and dynamic nature of health has impacted upon her own personal health status. Relative and dynamic nature of health refers to how health can vary from time to time and fluctuate all over the place. Illnesses, accidents, personal experiences, environmental factors or an individuals’ socioeconomic status can have an impact on an individual’s level of health at any point during their lives. These continual changes in a person’s health mean that health is dynamic. Judging where a person is along the health continuum at any point of time is highly subjective as people all over the world have different perceptions about what is optimal or â€Å"normal† health. By overcoming her 20 year weight battle, Hayley Lewis now has a better knowledge of what good health is. She perceives herself in a more positive way and the result of this is that the public and people all around her are perceiving her in a more positive way also. By believing in yourself can affect how others see you and believe that you have potential whereas if you don’t believe in yourself then others will think the same. This is one of the reasons that Hayley Lewis’ confidence has risen over time because now that her self-esteem has risen she realised that people were starting to perceive her, and her health, in different and a more positive way. By being the host of the biggest loser and becoming friends with the contestants has affected Hayley Lewis’ health status. She is now socioeconomically advantaged as she has a permanent job with a high income. This will impact her health status because it can affect her choices such as buying more, but nutritious food, and she now has more money to spend on fitness and recreational resources such as gyms and swimming pools. This can impact Hayley’s health physically, mentally, socially and spiritually as she now feels a sense of control and value over her life.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Real Gdp

London School of Commerce Belgrade A Critical Analysis Of Real GDP Subject: Managerial EconomicsMentor:Student: Maja Paunovic Mirko Lazarevic Belgrade 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY3 INTRODUCTION2. ADVANTAGES OF REAL GDP43. LIMITATIONS AND SHORTCOMINGS OF REAL GDP4 3. 1 RENEWABLE FINITE RESOURCE5 3. 2 OLD AND CHILD CARE5 3. 3 UNDERGROUND ECONOMY5 3. 4 UNEMPLOYMENT6 3. 5 THE INFLATION RATE6 3. 6 POLUTTION7 3. 7 LEISURE7 3. 8 POPULATION7 3. 9 INEQUALITY OF WEALTH7 4. CONCLUSION8 REFERENCES9 1. Executive summaryThe gross domestic indicator (GDP) is one of the main indicators used to measure the health of a country’s economy. GDP represents the sum of all goods produces over a specific period of time or in other words it is the size of the economy. Usually, GDP is compared to the previous quarter or year. As an example, if a yearly measurement was taken and the GDP went up 3%, this means that the economy has grown by 3% over the last year. Measuring GDP can be complicated, the calculation can be done in one of three ways: the product method, the income method and the expenditure method.The fi rst method of measuring GDP is to sum up the value of all goods and services produced in the country. Basically, we focus on firms and add up all their production. This method is known as the product method. The second approach is the income method which is focused on the incomes generated from the production of goods and services. When we look back, we will see that this is the same as the sum of all values added at each stage of production. The added value is basically the difference between a firm’s income from sales and the cost of its purchases from other firms.The difference is made up of wages and salaries, rent, interest and profit. Basically, it consists of the incomes produced by those involved in the production process. The final approach to calculating GDP is to add up all expenditure on final output. Which includes the following: consumer expenditure, government expenditure, investment expenditure, exports of goods and services and imports of goods and services. This final method is called the expenditure method. 1 Introduction Economic production and growth, what GDP represents, has a huge impact on nearly everyone within that economy.In order to analyze the health of an economy or examine economic growth, it’s necessary to have a way to measure the size of an economy. Economists usually measure the size of an economy by the amount of stuff it produces. When GDP is calculated in relation to the population of a country this is known as the average GDP per capita. This is often used as an indicator of a country’s standard of living. When calculating GDP international incomes are not included, even those earned by domestic workers in other countries. However, as a measure of the standard of living in a country, GDP has its limitations and shortcomings. . Advantages of real GDP You can use GDP to examine all economies of the world, from the USA to Somalia. No matter if a country is churning out fishing equipment or cars, all of i ts products have a certain monetary value, which added up gives a universally recognized measure. This measure is especially helpful if you consider how different economies around the world are in terms of the goods and services they produce, and the way they reinvest their income – pay back debts or invest in industry sectors. GDP is dynamic; it changes constantly based on new figures on productivity, consumption and investments.Therefore, economists and decision makers can use GDP to measure an economy’s growth or decline. However, they can only do that provided they have an established and accurate mechanism to measure GDP value regularly; without that, they don’t have any data to compare whether present activity is worth more or less than in the past. By removing inflation, real GDP allows economists to make more accurate comparisons between countries and across multiple years. Multinational corporations use real GDP when deciding where to send their investm ent dollars or headquarter their operations. National governments use real GDP to set currency exchange rate targets and evaluate the effectiveness of economic policy by comparing one year’s real GDP data against other years. Central banks put significant weight on real GDP data when determining interest rates and other fiscal policy. Real GDP is also used to compute economic growth, known as the GDP growth rate. This is calculated by comparing each quarter to the previous one. If real GDP were not used, then you wouldn’t know whether it was real growth, or just price and wage increases.The ideal GDP growth rate is between 2-3%. The GDP growth rate is critical for investors to adjust the asset location in their portfolios. Investors also compare countries’ GDP growth rates – countries with strong growth attract more investors for their corporate stocks, bonds and even their own sovereign debt.3. Limitations and shortcoming of real GDP GDP per capita is not a direct increase of living standards and qu ality of life in a country, so policies aimed at maximizing GDP may be seen as ill conceived. This is due to many reasons, including;3.1 Renewable finite resource: Most of country may grow rapidly by exploiting their non-renewable finite resources such as oil and forests. They may also over- exploit resources which renew slowly, such as fish and wildlife. While current living standards may be high, those of future generations may be jeopardized. Therefore, GDP is unable to act as an indicator of future welfare. For example; the fishing industry in Europe is currently facing many problems as a result of over fishing in the past. This has had a significant impact on the GDP of European countries.GDP measures the total value of output produced, but it cannot distinguish between the effects of different types of output on living standards. For example; two countries have the same GDP per capita, but country A has a well-funded education and health system, whereas country B has a well-eq uipped army. It is obvious that country A will have higher living standards than country B, but this is not apparent from their GDP figures.3. 2 Old and Child Care: If you care for your parents when they're old and enfeebled, it doesn't contribute to GDP, but if you pay someone else to care for them, it does contribute.The same goes for childcare and mental illness. The act of caring for the permanently sick, however compassionate that may be, is a use of resources for no tangible gain. Therefore, it does not contribute to GDP' For these reasons, some people prefer to use other indicator to measure a country's standard of living. These social indicators take non-economic factors into account, such as literacy rate, and life expectancy. Some examples are the physical quality of life index (PQLI), the Human Development Index (HDI), and the Basic Well-being Index (BWI).3. 3 Underground economy: Oliver (2006) in his book ‘Macroeconomics' states about the underground economy as fol lows: ‘Underground economy is the part of economic activity not measured in official statistics, either because the activity is illegal, or because firms and workers would rather not report it to avoid paying taxes – is an old issue in Spain'. (p 45) Black market: Michael & Charles (1993) describes that everybody wants to take advantage of a carpenter's, car mechanics, or painter's, offer to do some work without a receipt.Agents engage in the black, or underground, economy for straight-forward reasons. First, they want to avoid taxes (the value added tax, employment and social security charges, profit taxes). Another reason is that criminal activities, such as drug dealing, prostitution, or racketeering, are obviously better kept underground. (p24) Different countries may have different sizes of informal/ ‘black' economy (e. g. crime, subsistence farming, drug dealer, and bartering and cash payments) and this is not taken into account by those who calculate GDP.GD P will therefore underestimate the actual value of output. For example; Russia has a very large black economy, so its relatively small GDP is a poor indicator of actual income and living standards. (Source: John Sloman, 2006, 6th ed,)3. 4 Unemployment: Oliver (2006) states that unemployment is the number of people who do not have job but are looking for one. It directly effects on the welfare of the unemployed. Although unemployment benefits are greater today than they were during the great Depression, unemployment is still often associated with financial and psychological suffering. It is not the question how much suffering depends on the nature of the unemployment. Real GDP is failure to measure unemployment of a country.3. 5 The Inflation Rate: Oliver (2006) states that ‘Inflation is a sustained rise in the general level of prices in the economy-called the price level. The inflation rate is the rate at which the price level increases. (Conversely, deflation is a sustained d ecline in the price level. It corresponds to a negative inflation rate)'. If the price level increase nothing happened for the rich people but something happened for the poor people. As example, some Asian Country there GDP is high, price of goods is also high, and the rich people can easily buy the goods because there income is high. But poor people which income is low they can't buy the goods. The real GDP mean per people per capital so real GDP can't measure the inflation rate which mean Standard of living.3. 6 Pollution: Environment is very important part of Standard of living. But this important part is polluted in many ways. Industry is produce lot of product. On the other hand, at the same time industry is throwing wastage or rubbish, smoke and useless chemicals.It is polluting environment by motor and vehicles which making sound and air pollution. Climate change is a big factor for standard of living. Power station and chemical plant which cause global warm and for that reas on why some countries like Maldives and south part of Bangladesh going down under water. Also High GDP per capita might be accompanied by high levels of pollution and exploitation of the workforce, thus causing a decrease in living standards which is not reflected in GDP figures. Therefore, GDP may overestimate living standards in a country. Here real GDP can't measure Standard of living. (Source: John Sloman, 2006)3. 7 Leisure: Leisure is important for every age. By growing GDP people going to be like machineries. People are all time busy for their earning money to build up their life. They don't have time for entertainment like cinema, game; party also there is not enough leisure centers where people can go easily. When people not involved with recreation to have proper leisure, it is not even mentionable whether the current GDP is high or low in the country. So, real GDP fails to measure the Standard of living.3. 8 Population: Population is a big impact of standard of living. Mos t of third world county has been suffering of this problem (Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan). If the population increase GDP automatic decrease as a result standard of living of county go down. Real GDP cannot solve the countrymen problem.3. 9 Inequality wealth: GDP per capita is not an indicator of the distribution of wealth, because when GDP increases, this extra wealth may be received by only a small section of society with the rest of society even worse off. For example; the GDP of oil producing countries like Saudi Arabia is very high, but the wealth is only shared among a small minority of citizens, while the majority of citizens living relative poverty. (John Sloman, 2006) GDP can only measure the material standard of living, without taking into account the quality of life as perceived by each individual, which cannot be standardized across a population or countries. Let’s take USA and France for example.The USA had a GDP per capita of USD 46, 900 in 2008 (http://www. indexmundi. om/united_states/gdp_per_capita_(ppp). html) while France had 45, 982 (http://www. indexmundi. com/france/gdp_per_capita_(ppp). html). Not a big difference, France trails by a little. Now let’s consider how well are people in each country – In the happy planet index, France ranks 71 while the USA ranks 114, just below Madagascar. People in France are much happier than people in the USA. They have better and free healthcare, free education and so on. Besides these two countries Costa Rica has a GDP much lower than both (http://www. ndexmundi. com/costa_rica/gdp_per_capita_(ppp). html) but its people are considered to be the happiest in the world. Some countries, even though they have low GDP’s, its people are better off. Countries that one rarely hears of have very good life expectancies like in Andorra, Cayman Islands, and so on. (http://www. happyplanetindex. org/data/).4. Conclusion GDP discusses how economists measure the total growth of a nation. At this point it is important to know about how the GDP is doing in the change of standard life style.It is already assumed that real GDP shows the total amount of growth in value in specific year. Economist can predict what to achieve and what is the difference in achievement by the end of the year. As we have seen that real GDP is countable by the value, it is easy to know for any people to predict what further contribution needed in the country. But whatever the economist prediction is, the economic factors should be remain same. Without the economic factors stability, the total development of the country is not possible.References:1.John Sloman & Dean Garratt (2010), Essentials of Economics, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall. (Pages259-267)2. (John Sloman. 6th edn , 2006).3. Oliver Blanchard (2006), ‘Macroeconomics, 4th Edition, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.4. Michael Burda & Charles Nyplosz (1993), Introduction to Macroeconomics, 1st Edition. Oxford University Press.5. http://www. indexmundi. com/united_states/gdp_per_capita_(ppp). html6. http://www. indexmundi. com/france/gdp_per_capita_(ppp). html7. http://www. indexmundi. com/costa_rica/gdp_per_capita_(ppp). html 8. http://www. happyplanetindex. org/data/

Monday, July 29, 2019

Dividend Policy and Share Price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dividend Policy and Share Price - Essay Example Empirical studies however showed mixed evidence, using the data from US, Japan and Singapore markets. A number of studies found that stock price has a significant positive relationship with the dividend payment [Gordon (1959), Stevens and Jose (1989), Ariff and Finn (1986), and Lee (1995)], while others found a negative relationship [Loughlin (1989) and Eastonand Sinclair (1989)].Before we have a look at the factors which affect the dividend of the company, we must give a list of few factors involved with the firm in deciding the dividend policy which are:-1.  Legal Constraints. 2.  Contractual Constraints3.  Owner Consideration4.  Market Consideration5.  Tax ConsiderationsA company can pay dividends in either of the two ways:-1.  Cash Dividend2.  Stock DividendIn both the cases mentioned above, in ideal market, there should be no consequence of the dividend declaration.   The former has been discussed earlier whereas in the case of the latter, the market generally ma kes the requisite correction.   If a company XYZ declares a share dividend of 1:1 (i.e. 1 extra share for every single share held) and the current market price is $10 then after the record date, the share price must ideally come to $5 keeping the market capitalisation as constant.The important factors which specify the dividend policy of a firm are:-1.  Payout – High/Low2.  Whether a formal policy on stable dividend has been drafted3.  Stock dividendsThe primary objective of the dividend policy is to decide upon the excess liquidity.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How advertising may shift purchases between firms and industries Dissertation

How advertising may shift purchases between firms and industries - Dissertation Example persuasive advertising was conceptualised to modify, alter and twist consumers’ tastes. It warps the information that consumers receive, sometimes confusing them or worse, misleading them, making it very hard for them to make informed choices. As it is, basic consumer theory is founded on utility functions, and utility itself is characterised as the satisfaction drawn from the ownership of consumption goods and services. These goods are essential as they gratify the needs and wants of the individual. These physical and psychological needs are known as â€Å"preferences,† and these are believed to be given and to change slowly over time. Persuasive advertising is aimed at affecting and modifying consumers’ preferences. Economic literature is equally divided on the informative or persuasive nature of advertising. Marshall calls it, constructive advertising that is, these are â€Å"measures designed to draw attention to opportunities for buying and selling† and combative advertising which, according to Marshall, involves social wastes. The conventional notion of advertising exemplified in the writings of Kaldor, Bain, Galbraith, and Comanor and Wilson is predisposed to a negative stance of its expediency. The whole contention is that advertising plays a role in bending consumer preferences, whereby consumers are convinced and influenced to buy products that are heavily promoted, in consequence, there exist the exploitation of market power by charging higher prices for branded products.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

European Human Rights Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

European Human Rights Protection - Essay Example The security of the European Union member country may be justified to restrict individual human rights at time even derogating from some of them. This may take effects under the following circumstances. (Boyles, 2005) European Union member nations can apply derogations in the abolishing of a peaceful licensed demonstration if they feel that the demonstration is going to be a menace to the well being of the society or the nation at large. European Member countries have power to deport a person (foreigner) on the ground that their presence in Europe is a threat to the national security. But the law provides that the individual can be deported after a certain time. European member countries can ignore the issue of time and deport that person immediately if they feel the person (foreigners) is a threat to their country. In cases of terrorism act like in the case of September 11th 2001 terrorism attack European member countries can employ their military machinery to help them in wiping out the terrorist. European member countries can also detain people who are being suspected to be terrorist while interrogating them without taking into account the number of days stipulated in the law that a suspect is supposed to take before being taken into a court for prosecution. (Mokhtar, 2004) Guarantee of some fair tr... (Mokhtar, 2004) . Guarantee of some fair trails, as long as it is not conflicting with other human treaties. However only situation should be the only driving factor that should determine weather a person will be granted a fair trail or weather he won't. Proportionality principle calls for a reasonably light abolition of obligations that is to emergency situation in a country. A suspect can be denied is right to access his lawyer or family during detention. The right of liberty is amongst those which are usually ignored during emergency In order to respond to a crisis or a threat to the citizens, member countries may 'shy away' from the rights of the individual, that are recognized by the law. For example when an individual has committed an act of terrorism, the Government may hold him for a long time as long as they want before bringing to the court. (Boyles, 2005) European member states may derogate when facing situations which poses a danger that put the life of the country in danger. Putting life of the nation in danger implies that: the situation is affecting the entire population or a very large part of the country which cannot be neglected, the situation poses a serious threat to the integrity of the citizens of the members of the European countries, the independence (political) of the member country or interfere with the functioning of public utilities or institutions. Before applying Derogation, the member country has to access the situation on the ground. The situation should meet the standards set down by the European Union like being a threat to the member countries citizen before declaring Derogation state. The declaration has

Friday, July 26, 2019

Choose one of the following Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Choose one of the following - Essay Example These camps moved on when the food supply at one place had diminished and created tools that would help their hunting and gathering inspired by the horns and fangs nature had given the animals from stone. Thus the human brain acquired what it had not been given by nature and helped the human race survive the age of mammoths and bison i.e. the last cold spell of the Ice Age (Gascoigne). The social structure of these nomadic tribes was based usually on kin-ship, and these were in comparison much smaller to the settlements of the Neolithic period because of the unsettled nature of the former (D.Erdal and Whiten). These tribes however were not headed by a single leader; instead various occupations entitled more than one group leaders. In a similar way the men did not rule over the women, the women were autonomous in their own specialties i.e. gathering and rearing children, while the men brought home meat (Dahlberg). The meat brought in by the men was also sometimes exchanged and shared among the members of the tribe (Gowdy). The end of this spell, around 10,000 years from today, marks the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution in many places around the world, which can help us speculate the factors behind the change of lifestyle among the humans of the Stone-Age (Gascoigne). The animals that the men hunted had either become extinct or had moved to colder regions (Gascoigne). This forced the hunters to follow, but the gatherers discovered the abundance and variety in the supply of edible plants and different animals that survived on these plants also. Melting of ice led to growth of life in lakes and ponds, thus presenting the homo-sapiens with easier alternatives and reasons to stay. The focus on plants and the conditions needed for their survival inspired the human brain to evolve their hunting practices into

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Slavery And Slave Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Slavery And Slave Trade - Essay Example The movie is themed at exploring how brutal the slave regime was, it is evident when Shola witnesses a pregnant woman being beaten to death. The incident changed the way Shola’s perceived slave to be (Gerima, Sankofa). This reflects and explains factors that led to the resistance and uprising that aimed at fighting slave trade. Various factors including introduction of machinery and the industrial revolution where the external factors that facilitated the abolishment of the slave trade. The internal factors included the enlightenment of the African and the increased population of the African Americans who gave the resistance strength and numerical advantages. The two factors prompted the slaves to deploy various means of airing their grievances. The first tactic deployed by the slaves was the formation of vigilante groups. They were aimed at uniting Africans and used cruel means to fight their masters. The groups where well organized and the information and command came from a single source. The source acted as the leadership structure of the vigilantes. The leaders used their influential nature to convince many African slaves to join the movement. This is evident when Shola’s lover who was a filed slave convinced Shola to join the rebellion (Gerima, Sankofa). The movie explains how the rebellions organized themselves. In this case, the field slave acted as the leader of the rebellion. He did communication; it is evident when he directs Shola to poison her white owners.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Children's television Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Children's television - Term Paper Example To recognize prime television's possible impact on growth, one should think about ‘how much children watch television, how they direct their attention, and what they understand’. A study recommends that time spent watching prime television causes a decline in more important activities, such as, reading and creative play. Though facts supporting this suggestion are mixed, children who watch television mostly appear to spend a lesser amount of time busy in activities that promote cognitive growth and consecutively show the lowest success rate. For light to reasonable television spectators, content of the program, family interaction, and prospects for other actions moderate television's effects on children's success, as well as imagination (Pecora et al, p. 98). Apprehension about prime time television's effects on children's social growth extends to areas such as development of typecasts, recognizing as well as conveying sentiments, and difficulties such as substance explo itation as well as eating disorders. However, it is essential to know that not all effects of television are harmful. A number of studies (Pecora et al, p. 70-99) revealed that high school students who had viewed more educational programs on television as preschoolers had taken considerably higher marks in ‘English, Mathematics, and Science in junior high or high school’ (Pecora et al, p. 95-100). They also utilized books more frequently, proved higher educational confidence and placed a higher value on educational performance. These distinctions stayed true even after the effects of students’ early verbal communication skills, as well as family background variables were eradicated statistically. All of these outcomes offer strong proof for the learning success of children TV. Moreover, many other studies prove that Children’s’ TV is not alone in facilitating children to study. Comprehensive studies on other enlightening TV programs for kindergarten and school age children have proved that learning television can boost children’s understanding, talents, as well as mind-set in a broad range of subject areas. Similar to the educational effects of children television, many studies (Fisch, p. 102) have revealed that watching pro-social television programs creates major positive alterations in children’s social behavior. Without a doubt, evaluations as well as meta-analyses of the literature have proven that the helpful effects of pro-social television and the harmful effects of violent television are likely to be equally strong: Both forms of television cause little to moderate effects on spectators (Fisch, p. 102). Effects of children television have been documented as raises within quite a lot of fields: outgoingness in addition to positive connections in most cases, unselfishness as well as collaboration, strength of mind as well as delay of fulfillment, and lessening of typecasts. The majority of this study has b een carried out with kindergarten children, so the bulk of the facts to date recounts to this age bracket. Even though study has indicated at a constant pattern of effects of children television, frequently these effects have been less strong in comparison to the educational effects of children television. Quite a lot of possible reasons might be provided for this variation: First, it is likely that social outcomes are more complicated for researchers to assess, so the measures applied in a

Global Exploration and Global Empires 1500-1700 Essay

Global Exploration and Global Empires 1500-1700 - Essay Example During this time, the Portuguese and the Spanish begun to explore the European oversees (Annenberg Media, 2007). This exploration aimed at the Atlantic Ocean and Western Mediterranean instead of the East as it was common in the past exploration. The reasons presented in this essay motivated the exploration by the Portuguese and the Spanish during this time (Abernethy, 2007). Economic factors The first motive was that the financial system in Europe- towards the end of the 15th century- was growing and carrying out well. It is recorded that in case the financial system of a nation is flourishing, it aims at importing and exporting its goods. They needed new markets to market their commodities. Italian traders had dominated the market with the East, therefore Europeans, particularly the Portuguese started to abandon the Mediterranean and attempted to enter the Atlantic (McDowell, 1992). There was a shortage of silver in Europe and they had no possibility for a new supply. They discovere d that large quantities of gold were in Africa, though they were not amused with the current system whereby they purchased gold from Northern Africa (Abernethy, 2007). The gold went through numerous distributors before getting to the Arabs (Abernethy, 2007). ... trading positions in Africa and finally sailed from place to place in Africa and started trading positions in Southern Arabia and India (Abernethy, 2007). Geographical factors The first moved during the exploration involved their tactical geographic setting, which offered an effortless entrance to the south towards Africa or the west towards the Americans. Another, possibly important, influence for these explorers leading opinion in their exploration was the eras purchase and use of old Arabic information and knowledge in math’s, geography and astronomy (Abernethy, 2007). This period of exploration introduced the communities of Europe to the presence of new philosophies across the globe (Abernethy, 2007). Before this era, the Europeans had enough details of the individuals and locations beyond the limitations of Europe, mainly Asia and Africa. Before the innovation and invention of the Americas, the Europeans were not aware of other existence. Europeans assumed that the world was small than it was in reality (Abernethy, 2007). This motivated the initial pioneers like Magellan and Columbus to believe that discovering new paths to the East was going to be easier than the way they discovered it (Overy, 2004). Philosophical misconceptions around natural features and the beliefs of local populaces would transform gradually through the initial centuries of these exploration (Abernethy, 2007). By the 16th century, European plans started to increase their representations and accounts to incorporate new physical discoveries (Abernethy, 2007). However, because of the powerful political conflicts taking place during the time, European nations protected their geographic findings and data from one another (Abernethy, 2007). Therefore, we can say that, though the need to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

B202 Accounting & Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

B202 Accounting & Finance - Essay Example While analyzing the company financials certain parameters were kept in mind. The analysis is conducted in two segments .The first segment would focus on the comparison of financial ratios of the company among different periods. The later segment would be of the comparison of company financials vis a vis the ratios of the respective industry. The ratios those would take part in this analysis are briefly portrayed below. While calculating for the above ratios ‘revenue figures’ represents ‘sales’.Net profit margin ignores the profit those are paid out to its debt investors as interest and because of it, this ratio is not so effective while comparing between firms having different capital structures . The liquidity ratios come next. It’s very much important for a firm to keep a certain level of liquidity in its portfolio, so that if needed it can lay its hand on the liquid assets. These ratios may change rapidly as its components i.e. both the short terms assets and liabilities can get easily changed over time periods. Current assets consist of cash and other assets which can be turned into cash within very short period of time. Firm’s current liabilities consist of payments which is payable in near future. Thus current ratio tells us how much current assets is available to cover up the current liabilities. Some assets are closer to cash more than other assets. In difficult times, these more liquid assets can be used to repay the current liabilities. These kinds of assets mainly consist of cash and cash equivalents, short term securities and receivables from customers. Thus quick ratio is measured as The table below takes care of the liquidiy ratios. Though the current ratios had dropped by a certain amount in 2006 but thereafter the company has taken care of the same. This is very much visible by the stable growth in current ratio from

Monday, July 22, 2019

History of Retail Industry Essay Example for Free

History of Retail Industry Essay Department stores were gradually introduced which gave customers a chance to choose between brands and products at one location. From JC Penney founded in 1902, to Piggly Wiggly in 1916 who was the first to offer checkout lines and self service. In 1961, Target was founded with Wal-Mart in 1962 and Kohls right behind them in 1963. It wasn’t long and Best Buy, Kmart, TJ Maxx, Costco, and many more retail stores opened their doors to the industry of shopping. It didn’t take long for the retail industry to take off and attract consumers of all kinds with the convenience of shopping and with it ame an experience as well. From department stores to grocery stores they transformed their ways of selling to gives customers not only the products they want but the atmosphere that was appealing. With Wal-Mart opening its doors in 1962 it made the 1960s the revolution in the world of retail. Today, retail industry is booming, yes with the recession it hurt some of the smaller businesses but for the most part they have stayed afloat. We did lose some big retail businesses in 2008 such as Linens N Things, Mervyns and Circuit City. With this being said, the retail industry needs to make stakeholders understand the role in the industry to help protect and improve their reputation as well as build the confidence in consumers. Corporate stakeholders have to be more than a moral responsibility to the company. They need to be a part of much more from how much consumers spend to supporting key policy issues and in the end will change the shareholder value. Social, Economic, and Political Setting The retail industry does a lot for the social and economic setting. Wal-Mart alone does a great deal for the communities where their stores are located. Not only do they provide jobs for around 1. 5 million people, they also have competitive pricing to help local economies. Their competitive pricing brings in more than 312 billion dollars. So not only is Wal-Mart a thriving company they believe in a family work culture as well as supporting their local communities. Many retail stores leave a big footprint in their communities and worldwide. They rally around charities and do their part to put a stamp on the map. On the other hand, most in the retail industry try to keep business and politics separate which seems to be the safest position to take. Some retail businesses like Wal-Mart and Coca Cola are open to their affiliation with the Republican Party and seems to help their image with the traditional consumers but most do not want to take a chance of offending their customer base. Domestic and International Ethics Starbucks who opened their doors in 1971 to forty-one year later they have become a global company with more than 19,000 stores in 60 different countries. They have made the Ethicsphere Institute’s World most Ethical Company List for six straight years. They introduced the Ethical Coffee sourcing program in 2001 to help farms in Central and South America improve their crops while remaining environmentally aware. They helped local nurseries plant over 200,000 seedlings to restore natural forest cover as well as decreasing the use of herbicides and chemical fertilizers with farmers. They also helped train farmers to help reduce the use of carbon by replacing more than 200,000 trees. Ecological and Natural Resources The retail industry has regulations made by the Environmental Protection Agency that they have to comply by to meet regulatory obligations as well as helping reduce environmental impacts such as waste management, product selection and construction of new facilities. Retail businesses may have state regulations to comply by as well as Federal regulations. Many in the retail industry are taking great strides to help impact the environment. There are four areas that highly impact the environment. One is the choice of raw materials for clothing has big impacts on the environment. Cotton is known for its rigorous use of water and pesticides and the so called natural dyes that rely on the harvest of millions of insects to reach the â€Å"natural†color. The second is manufacturing. Textile dyeing and finishing mills can be high producers of water pollution and carbon dioxide emissions and by improving their mills to reduce water, energy and chemical use can really reduce the footprint of their global supply chain. The third is transportation which unfortunately manufacturers and retailers are on other ends of the globe which any mode of transportation sends some sort of pollution into the environment. The last impact is consumer care which many consumers may not even be aware of how a few simple steps can help reduce environmental impacts tremendously. One is washing in cold water and air drying if possible. Dry cleaning is another risk to the environment due to the chemical that is used to clean the clothes called perchloroethylene which has been known to cause many health effects with exposure to this in high levels. So it is not just the retail businesses that can help make changes to better our environment it also falls on the shoulders of designers to use fabrics that don’t require dry cleaning and to the consumers that purchase to make choices that help the environment. Clean by Design launched their program in 2009 to help reduce the environmental impacts by using buying power of multinational corporations by improving processes in the environment to reducing emissions and waste. It is astonishing to see by 2011 that Target, Wal-Mart, Gap, Levis, Hamp;M, Nike and Li amp; Fung are all participating in this program and hopefully they corporations will continue to get in board and the list will continue to grow. Social Issues In today’s lively and unstable business world of retail industry they are always faced with social issues such as customer choices, brutal competitors, complex global economy and the use of the internet. Retailers are constantly trying to find new ways to make their business more profitable and ways to get more shoppers through their doors. Retail industry has caught on to engaging with society and the consumers on a personal level. They are adapting and changing to the environment around them and constantly developing new ways to serve their customers with trust and brand loyalty. Just like Timberland Company did in 2008 by making a â€Å"nutrition label† on their shoe box to show the environmental impact it has from beginning to delivery of the shoe. The company did this in hopes of giving consumers the information they need to make environmentally smart decisions on buying. Not only did Timberland Company do this they also comprised their shoe box that is made up of 100 percent recycled post-consumer waste fiber, no chemical glues and only soy-based inks to print labels. Timberland is just one of many retail stores that take a stand on social issues. Target is another big business in the business industry that comes to mind. From opening its doors in 1988, Target has always tried to be a step above in the industry with the competitive edge logos to their reputation for low prices and offering organic foods in their superstores. They always try to maintain their mission statement which reads, to make Target your preferred shopping destination in all channels by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and exceptional guest experiences by consistently fulfilling our Expect More. Pay Less.  ® brand promise. They not only cater to the consumers they are extremely involved with schools and the communities that surround them. They are partnered with St. Jude which is a huge plus for them and provide disaster relief and are always raising funds for our country’s children. Another company that has taking great strides to make their place in this economy just as their mission statement says to â€Å"Inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time. Rating of the industry’s overall social responsiveness I believe the retail industry for the most part is trying to take the right steps to make a difference in the economy and help insure the environment is first priority. Over the years we have seen so many big corporations leave footprints in the global economy as well as making the appropriate changes to better the community and environment we live in. References Retail. (2010). Retrieved from http://www. ceres. org/roadmap-assessment/sector-analyses/retail Wal-Mart. (2012, December 9). History timeline. Retrieved from http://corporate. walmart. com/our-story/heritage/history-timeline https://corporate. target. com/about/history/Target-through-the-years (2012, March). In Starbucks Ethical Coffee Sourcing and Farmer Report. Retrieved November 8, 2012, from http://assets. starbucks. com/assets/6e52b26a7602471dbff32c9e66e685e3. pdf Clean by design. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. nrdc. org/international/cleanbydesign The evolution of retailing. (2009, 12). Retrieved from http://www. kpmg. com/CN/en/IssuesAndInsights/ArticlesPublications/Documents/Evolution-retailing-o-200912. pdf Ken, A. (2012, March 31). Wal-mart company.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

HR professionals in organizational changes

HR professionals in organizational changes Compared with traditional HR professionals, current HR managers have been more and more involved in organizational activities beyond their own function. The aim of this essay is to discuss the role HR professionals in organizational changes. Alfes, K., Turss, C., and Gill, J. (2010) The HR Manager as Change Agent: Evidence from the Public Sector, Journal of Change Management, 10,1: 109-127. In this article, Alfes et al. argued that how human resources department contribute to day-to-day management of change program is still unclear. Thus, the author used data from two public sector organizations, including a borough council and a general hospital in the UK to investigate the HR practitioners involvement based on two axes, including process and content, and proactivity vs. reactivity. Their study identified four key roles of human resource managers, including Change Driver, Change Focused, Human Resources Focused and Responsive. This article is helpful to my study since it provides solid evidence about the role of HR manager as change agent. The main limitation of this study is that only two cases are involved. Therefore, the authors suggest further studies that test how their framework can be applied to a wider range of cases. This study forms the basis of my study, since my topic is the HR managers role in managing changes. McGuire, D., Stoner, L. Mylona, S. (2008) The Role of Line Managers as Human Resource Agents in Fostering Organizational Change in Public Services, Journal of Change Management, 8,1:73-84. In this article, McGuire et al. reviewed the role change of line managers during the process of commercialization of the public sector. The authors try to develop a model describing the content, inhibitors and enablers of line managers role as HR agents in organizational change. This article reviewed a wide range of studies in this field and identified a series of enablers and inhibitors of line Managers involvement in HR process. This article is useful to my study, since McGuire et al.s findings suggested that HR functions are not only performed by staff in HR department, line managers also contribute to HRM in organizational changes. The main limitation of this study is that it does not provide any real cases showing the application of their model. Therefore, whether this model is applicable to real case analysis is still unknown. This article will not form the basis of my study. However, it provides me important clue about the role change of managers. Francis, H. (2003) HRM and the beginning of organizational change, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 16, 3: 309-327 In this article, Francis suggested that human resource (HR) is closely associated with polices and performance issues of an organization. The author examined the role of HRM in regulating changing based on Ford and Fords (1995) conceptual framework. This study focuses on the role of HRM in generating conversation during the process of changes and applied the framework into analysis of a large UK manufacturing firm. This article is helpful to my study since it provides me a real case to understand how HRM contribute to shift of conversation during the process of change. The main limitation of this study is that it did not suggest sequential movement under different types of conversation. Therefore, the author suggested that further study can be conducted to discuss the how hard or soft change mechanisms can be applied to different situations in order to achieve successful organizational change. This article forms the basis of my study and provides me important information about how to initiate changes by using HRM tools. Truss, C. (2008) Continuity and change: the role of the HR function in the modern public sector, Public Administration, 86,4: 1071-1088 Truss argues that the New Public Management in the UK may bring significant changes to the role of human resource management. Therefore, the author examined whether the HR management has become more strategies based on data collected from 134 interviews with senior and middle line managers in six public sectors organizations in the UK. This study typically distinguished the differences between administrative and strategic HR functions and assessed the extent to which the managers in the organizations play the roles. This study is helpful to may study, as Truss found that new strategic role and conventional role of HR managers are both required for managing changes. The major limitation of this study is the small sample size and the associated possibility of the generalisability of the findings. Besides, not all categories of public organizations were involved in this study. Thus, the author suggested larger scale studies in the future. This article forms the basis of my research. It offers important clue about the extent of change of HRM in the UK public sector. Guest, D.E. and King, Z. (2004) Power, innovation and problem-solving: the personnel managers three steps to heaven? Journal of Management Studies, 41, 3: 401-423. Guest and King (2004) argued that the environment changes during the past 30 years have made Karen Legges (1978) analysis of personnels role (conformist innovator, deviant innovator and problem solver) more limited to current organizations. Thus, the authors try to explore the extent to which the role of HRM has altered. They conducted interviews with 48 senior managers in order to identify the changes. Typically, they focus on changes in features of vicious circles and the ambiguities and found that a large proportion of current HR managers failed to conquer the problems identified by Legges (1978). The major limitation of this study is also the small sample size, only 48 interviews were conducted. Thus, further study based on a larger scale is required. This study will not form the basis of my study. However, it provides me important comparative information about how HRMs roles in the past and in current business organizations. Alfes et al.s (2010) review of previous studies found that HR managers may play four different roles including Change Driver, Change Focused, HR Focused and Responsive within an organization. However, their own data showed that in organization A, HR managers role can be quite proactive since they are involved in all aspects of change process, such as help design the program and provide advice to line managers. Truss (2008) also suggested that HR managers role has become more strategic and diversified. Compared with traditional HR managers, current HR professionals are more involved in organizational changes. Since organizational change is a complex process that requires efforts from all functions of an origination, a part of the responsibility of HR managers also shift to other functions. McGuire et al.s (2010) study supports this point of view. They provided evidence about how line managers contribute to HRM and also discussed the enablers and inhibitors of this role sharing. Based data of organization B, Alfes et al. (2010) suggested that the role of HR managers is more responsive in this organization. They are not involved in all aspects of organizational changes. Even involved, they largely play a role as advisor, rather than change driver. The role difference of HR managers is due to different requirement of different organizations. According to As Legge (2005), HR managers can play both roles as conformist innovators and deviant innovators. The former role requires them closely follow organizational parameters, while the later role requires them to drive change within an organization through challenging prevailing norms. However, in reality, Guest and King (2004) argued that the proactive role of HR managers is less acceptable in some organizations. Guest and King (2004) found many line managers are reluctant to accept HR managers involvement in their work. And the HR department interventions can even lead to timeconsuming procedures resented by the line managers. Thus, this requires skills of HR managers to handle the relationship appropriately. Francis (2002) argued that power relations between different functions of an organization which is based on disposable resources of the parties can significantly affect the conversation during the period of change initiative. Inappropriate manner of conversation initiated by HR managers can become a barrier to organizational change. They further argued that conversation across different functions and levels of managers should be used as a medium by HR managers in the process of negotiation. However, the author did not provide suggestion about how the hard or soft HR interventions can be applied. Becker and Huselid identify the key challenges associated with development of strategic human resource management (SHRM) through reviewing a wide range of empirical studies, they emphasize the importance of the nature of fit and contingencies in SHRM and argues that SHRM, which was initially an HR-c entric paradigm, has gradually become a shared responsibility of HR professionals, line managers, and senior executives. The role of HR professionals in organizational change resembles to a contributor, rather than a leader. Conclusion To sum up, HR managers role in organizational change can be both responsive and proactive according the demand of an organization. Geneally, HR managers role has become more strategic no matter they are proactive or responsive to organizational changes. However, to play the proactive role that gives interventions to other department or functions successfully, HR managers should pay attention to the manner of conversation.

Morality and ethics in international laws

Morality and ethics in international laws Introduction All of international laws put great emphasis on morality and use of ethics. Morality is one of main criterions in foreign affairs. Many schools at international level provide an account of international relations, which focus on the interplay between power and morality. International level morality captures a holistic framework to analyze the main question to normative theories, namely some of moral values that are attributed to particular political activities against humanity as a whole, or may be the claims of any individual human being. This important question is at the heart of international level morality relations being one of most challenging moral questions. Recently, the international community comes up with great strides. It widely accepted the moral responsibility to protect in most of the situations where the state could not fulfill its obligations of protecting its own people. Morality and ethics are increasingly becoming fashionable and discussed on different levels of international education as well. Morality issues run throughout the lives of people, without making any division between their personal and professional identities. The foremost goal of national education policies is the character building and encouraging students to learn moral values of honesty, respectfulness, tolerance, sympathy, and truthfulness. The content of textbooks should mainly focus on these moral values. If the content is effective and delivered in an effective and efficient way to students, only then they are capable of increasing the internalization of moral knowledge. In order to minimize the gap between student’s moral information and practice, it is necessary to develop such a policy that involve moral content to significant extent in the textbooks of middle and secondary classes. National education policies aim to include moral reasoning and moral information as an essential curricular component of the school experience. Moral education is the main part of an educational backdrop throughout the history of any country. The 21st century is not able to afford any exception. Education policies at national level must embed the curriculum of primary and secondary schools into the moral content areas like Social Studies and Islamic Studies. With the subjects such as English, Urdu, Islamic Studies, Social Studies, Science, and other elective and compulsory subjects, schools can easily facilitate moral reasoning without any need to create an additional course depicting moral content. Introducing a moral reasoning and moral information curriculum through content-integrated curriculum facilitates the moral development of the students. Traditionally, people take moral education through different perspectives. Interpretation of student’s moral knowledge should be developed by taking into account the cultural influences. However, not all the cultures depict same moral values. Therefore, it is necessary to make culture-free the future direction in moral reasoning. Embedding moral content in the content of school textbooks encourages many students to develop their moral character. The moral standard of new curriculum in primary and secondary schools intends to lay such a foundation for students that gives them moral knowledge, develops moral character, responsibility, truthfulness, honesty, and high standards of personality and behavior. Moral values implied in the moral content of textbooks can be divided into several other categories of respectfulness, tolerance, kindness, awareness of rights, and sense of responsibility. Size of Moral Content The school textbooks provide comprehensive knowledge about morality. It covers a wide range of moral content including culture, social life, geography, politics, and environment. Through the moral content, students are able to make their own decisions and moral judgments. They are capable of understanding the importance of moral values that are taught in their primary and secondary curriculum. Moreover, moral education is not only possible through instructing the student on how to behave in the moral domain. The process should also cover the development of moral reasoning of individuals as well as dealing with different moral issues. The primary goal of the schools is not only promoting the academic achievements. However, the schools are in real need to promote moral character and moral development of students as well. Therefore, major part of the content in school textbooks is the moral content that focused on different moral values. With the help of such moral content, students learn many skills on resolving conflicts peacefully. They practice pro-social behaviors and engage themselves in services that result in less incidence of violence. The students master the basic moral knowledge and develop self-innovation skills and their own learning. The purpose of moral education is to develop moral virtues and personal character development of students. It helps in improving learning environment, promoting student achievements, building student character, and reducing disciplinary problems. Studying the moral content in school textbooks turns the students into good and responsible citizen, who are capable of cultivating their moral values efficiently. By studying the different facts of their own lives, they correct their moral orientation and achieve correct moral values. It taught the students ideological, civil, traditional, and moral education. Incorporating a wide range of moral content in the content of textbooks is important for all schools. Teaching moral education to students of primary and secondary schools is all about giving them enough skills to fight with several moral dilemmas that they may face in their daily lives. Moral education is no longer the teachings of religious morality rather it is about the basic character education. Students are able to resolve moral dilemmas peacefully without creating any violence. An effective moral education may revolve around specific strategies that help students in dealing with disillusionment and focusing on creation of a culture that would support the emotional and moral growth of the teachers. It is imperative to include large portion of moral content in education for the moral development of the students throughout their lives. Moral education in schools is effective for building character, sense of responsibilities, and moral values in students. The primary and secondary curriculum over time included it along with mathematics, reading, and writing. In some schools, moral education is a new concept and in many others, it is just a constant thread that has been seen throughout the history and facilitating the growth through levels of moral development. Developing moral reasoning The content of school textbooks on moral reasoning covers much of the social studies and arts curriculum. The content provided developing moral reasoning successfully implements it in daily lives of students. The incorporation of content about moral reasoning in curriculum is sufficient to move the students through stages of moral reasoning in efficient manner. Shared leadership and discussion are necessary curricular components of all schools. Schools teach morality inherently by conveying to students what one expects of them regarding what is right and wrong. Teachers help them to reflect on moral reasoning efficiently. Moral reasoning comprises of abstract concepts that students can examine and evaluate through dilemma-based discussions in their schools. It lets the students to present and discuss open-based scenarios. The content about moral reasoning makes the students to think contextually and analytically, who are then able to make informed decisions based on social and historical context. Therefore, it is best to embed moral reasoning in content areas of language arts and social studies specifically for dilemma-based discussions. Embedding the moral reasoning content into the core content parts of school textbooks allows both the teachers and their students to participate in integrated discussions throughout the school year and at different times rather in isolation. The pressure on students to share their decision-making roles provides such situations where moral reasoning can be applied. It is important to apply it in conjunction with dilemma-based discussions. Moral reasoning allows the students to practice it through their abstract thoughts and discussions. Moral reasoning helps the students to cover quickly the stages of moral development. It allows the schools to reach their mission of an educated citizenry through content-integrated and dilemma-based discussions. Allowing for student ownership in the school is an important aspect of moral education approach. Schools must implement this approach programmatically to achieve goal of an educated citizenry. The school administration needs to model it in order for students, who can internalize it. This approach depends on principles of fairness and justice in society. The contents about moral reasoning in school textbooks depend largely on the moral concepts that include student’s intention and understanding in relation to their actions. Using this approach, teachers are responsible for engaging students emotionally and intellectually through several discussions and solving moral dilemmas and issues. It helps the students to reach at high stage of moral thinking. Since moral thoughts goes through sequence of development stages, teachers must assist students throughout this process. Teachers play a vital role by closely listening to students in order to have better understanding of their reasoning and helping them in moving to next level of reasoning. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development as a theoretical framework facilitate the development of moral reasoning. During the stage of universal principles, the moral reasoning of individuals is beyond the strict rules of the society. Despite, it is beyond the social norms founded on abstract principles. Kohlberg believed that very few people achieve this stage where moral reasoning is guided by those internal universal standards, which supersede laws. The content provided developing moral reasoning exhibits its varying degrees from explicit religiosity to the secular overtones throughout students’ life. Content about moral information A large proportion of the contents of school textbooks explore the moral information and examine whether these contents properly address the content about moral information and knowledge of the students. Moral information is an important curriculum in education that targets in guiding students to live comfortable life and to become responsible citizen. Morality causes them to integrate into their community and learn how to solve problems of their lives. The most important responsibility and purpose of the content about moral information is to make students of primary and secondary classes to learn to live a healthy and civilized life. The moral content guides them in developing high standards of moral values. It encourages them to develop and explore the innovative spirit of science and civic virtues as well. Moreover, moral information leads to a good moral character and behavior habits of the students that enable them to live happy lives. Through moral knowledge and information, they learn about the development of their own in an effective way. Students of early grades are capable of learning skills more than the students in higher grades of education learn. Moral content of the school textbooks provides them such learning skills to face the challenges of life with confidence and solve daily life problems peacefully. They learn to develop their own life skills and avoid disasters and risks in their lives. Moral education guides them about the correct moral orientation and facts regarding their own lives. They analyze and adopt the moral values that play important role in the moral development of their own caring character. Such moral content successfully addresses the principles regarding psychology and physical development of the students. The content of school textbooks about moral information comprises of different categories. These revolve around making the students to love their motherland and their hometown. It guides them kindness to others, sense of participation in society, sense of responsibility, awareness of rights, traditional virtues, national unity, trustworthiness, respect for teachers, and love for younger individuals. It helps in developing mental health of students, their occupational satisfaction, consciousness of peace, and global consciousness. Moral information in curriculum aims to make students productive and contributing social members of the community. It provides them with basic knowledge about cultural literacy and introduces them to the cultural traditions while shaping their moral identity. Living in a liberal environment, the main objective of moral education is to provide intellectual skills to students that help them in making responsible and informed decisions about the problems considered being of moral importance. It intends to promote deep sense of concern in students for the well-being and betterment of the nation. Educating students provided the moral content and information in school textbooks is a challenge largely due to the reason that it does not provide a guarantee that the students would become just persons morally through the principles of common good. One of the major challenges that come up with moral education is that what schools teach children may differ a great deal, to what parents prefer their children to learn. Provided different understanding of morality and moral information, the subject offered different forms depending upon the country where it is taught. Human rights education, character education, personal education, social, and civic education are some of the forms of moral education. Content addressing each moral value different at different level of learning Some of the problems remain there in the moral content of school textbooks. The moral content provides a comprehensive knowledge. However, each moral value addressed is different at different level of learning. For example, the moral content on respectfulness of teachers, parents, and elders vary in large proportion to the moral content on sense of democracy, responsibility, and equality in society. Analysis of school textbooks shows addressing each moral value in different way at different level of understanding. Each moral value of truthfulness, honesty, sympathy, and tolerance presents ratios of different values. Furthermore, the school textbooks content is closer to the experiences of students in cities and lacks the content related to the experiences of rural students. No doubt, a great deal of historical and geographical knowledge is available as compared to the moral knowledge. The content of these textbooks need to include good proportion of each moral value as the moral and character building is important aim of education. Different conceptions of moral education exist to answer various questions regarding the extent to which moral education should comprise of. Some focus on the learning and teaching of moral virtues while others promote the moral practice. Some still consider development of moral reasoning and education as an emotional upbringing. Whichever these of conceptions about moral education in textbooks is right, it is not wrong saying that all conceptions strive towards the same objective. Despite addressing moral education different at different level of learning, its only objective is the education of mature individuals who have the abilities of independent action moral reasoning. Estimation of content addressing moral virtues among students School textbooks content address moral virtues among students to great extent. Some of the exercises and practical activities given in the textbooks encourage students to participate in moral development of their character. The main objective of these activities is to offer moral education for students and develop clear understanding of different aspects of real world. However, the internal moral education of students is considered to be abstract. Teaching learning methods for carrying out the activities and resolving problems provided in textbooks develop creative capabilities in students and help them in understanding and experiencing the problems in real life. The key problem of whether a student changes attitudes, and fills the gap between moral knowledge and moral practice along with forming good habits is not much paid attention or examined in detail. Improving the moral content of curriculum is necessary in some schools. Each student must set clear objectives based on cognitive and physical development in every grade. Teachers are responsible for knowing what the students require to achieve in each of their grades in school. They should force students to participate excessively in such activities that plays important role in the moral development. The responsibility for moral education sometimes lies with parents and followed by other social organizations and institutions, among which primary and secondary schools lead the way certainly. Although moral education is not considered as a subject course, it is clear that it is central part of any educational process. Conclusion/Recommendations The moral content should be capable of penetrating the past and connecting with the future. Therefore, the students can develop clear understanding of each moral virtue and its practice. The teaching staff should be trained about the content of morality. Understanding of the morality standards is essential for teachers for improving the multi-disciplinary knowledge and moral information. Policy makers are in need of empowering moral education teachers through organizing various workshops that stress on relevant approaches. The recommendation that teachers Moral education and development stimulates the students to high level of moral understanding. Embedding large ratio of moral content in the school textbooks content is considered much relevant and important because of the decline in social capital. Another reason is the lack of interest in some national issues, weak community bonds, loosening of family, and decline in sense of trust among most of people. One form of moral education is based on liberal thinking that targets to educate both heart and mind. Students can learn and internalize logical moral thinking for analyzing moral issues in logical and consistent ways.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Love Conquers All :: essays research papers

Virgil said, â€Å"Love conquers all things, let us too surrender to love†. Most people have experienced the overwhelming feeling of love, thereby understanding that in the end, nothing will stand in its way. Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Yzierska’s Bread Givers, and Hurston’s Their Eyes were Watching God, and dorm life show that love truly conquers all obstacles. In The Scarlet Letter, love conquers the pressures of society, while in The Great Gatsby, love overcomes the test of time. In Bread Givers, love triumphs over major differences caused by a wide generation gap and in Their Eyes were Watching God, love overpowers the forces of nature and disease.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Scarlet Letter, Hester’s love for Mr. Dimmesdale overcomes society’s pressure and keeps her from incriminating him as her lover. When the people call for her to â€Å"‘Speak; and give your child a father!’† (Hawthorne, 74) she still refuses to give the name of the father of her child. â€Å"‘I will not speak!’ answered Hester, turning pale as death†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœAnd my child must seek a heavenly father; she shall never know an earthly one!’† (Hawthorne, 74). The power of Hester’s love gives her the strength to restrain herself even when the crowd entreats her to help her child, if not herself. Even when Dimmesdale, her lover, pleads with her to speak the name of her lover, she does not. â€Å"‘If thou feelest it to be for thy soul’s peace†¦I charge thee to speak out the name of thy fellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer!’† (Hawthorne, 73). Hester’s love for Mr. Dimmesdale is so powerful that even his appeals cannot sway her in her determination. Hester’s love was so mighty that it persisted over all obstacles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby’s love for Daisy allows him to overcome time, to find her and resume a relationship after college and five years away in the army. Because Gatsby loves Daisy so strongly, and believes that she loves him as well, â€Å"He wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: ‘I never loved you.’†¦after she was free, they were to go back to Louisville and be married from her house--just as if it were five years ago†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Fitzgerald, 116). Gatsby wants to â€Å"‘fix everything just the way it was before† (Fitzgerald, 117). Gatsby loves Daisy so much that time means nothing to him: he thinks that their relationship has resumed right where it had left off five years before.

Friday, July 19, 2019

King Phillip And Puwblo Revolt:compare And Contrast Essay -- essays re

5 years and nearly an entire continent separated King Philip’s war from the great pueblo revolt. Compare and contrast the causes and consequences of these 2 conflicts. The Great Pueblo revolt of 1680 all started with the droughts of 1660 when the Southwest had severe drought that brought famine and disease. During this, hungry Apaches who couldn’t find food on plains attacked the pueblos. This angered the people on the pueblos, but there new leader Pope’, a mysterious medicine doctor, tried to keep the Indian beliefs around and resisted the Christian religion. The Spaniards hated this, so they captured his older brother. This enraged Pope’ against the Spaniards so he held meetings to tell everybody that the Spaniards must leave. The Spaniards found out about this and arrested Pope, publicly flogged him and released him back to the pueblos. When he was captured, the pueblo people set fires in the Indian villages in New Mexico. To take care of the fires, the Spaniards sent troops to halt the ritual of setting the fires by pueblo people, and they arrested all of the medicine doctors, killing several of them. The people believed th at the doctors protected them from evil, so all of the pueblo towns wanted to unite against the Spaniards. The group from the pueblos went to the governor of Santa Fe and told him that if the doctors that were imprisoned weren’t released by sundown, all of the Spaniards in New Mexico would be killed. They released the prisoners because the Indians outnumber the Spaniards by a huge amount.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hate and anger was spreading throughout the pueblos concerning the Spaniards power in New Mexico. There was a small skirmish in Santa Fe that the Indians won, but Pope said they needed more than that. He wanted Indian organization, leadership, and a magic spark with which to set the country aflame. He traveled to each pueblo and won their loyalty during secret meetings he held. He wanted each pueblo to strengthen the courage of their Indians by cleansing the ranks of informers. He suspected his son-in-law as being as a spy for the Spaniards, so they killed him. The Spaniards found out about this and went looking for Pope, but he hid in the Taos Pueblo.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In midsummer 1680, Pope said the time was now for a revolt. Pope used his mystical powers to summon 3 native Gods to his secret chamber.... ...n’t find any alliances. Phillip attacked anyway, starting King Phillip’s War. After the attack, the Nipmucks and the Mohicans joined him by burning several English cities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In spring 1676, Phillip attacked Massachusetts and lower Rhode Island. All of the Indians from Phillip’s tribe were helping him, except for the praying Indians who were on the English side. Phillip relocated all of the praying Indians to Dear Island, while he continued his conquest.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alderman, one of the praying Indians, knew of Phillips whereabouts and told the English where he was. The English killed Phillip and let Alderman keep Phillip’s hand in a bucket of rum so he could show everybody. His head was severed and placed in a cage in Plymouth for everybody to see.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The war resulted in 1/6th of the entire white population was killed, a cost of 90,000 pounds of sterling, and 25 English towns abandoned or destroyed. The fighting continued until 1678, when only 6 Indian villages remained in Maine, with only praying Indians surviving. The wars also freed up a lot of land for English Settlements.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Does covergirl test on animals

Animals can be subject to pain, lack and hardship when inserted into the conditions needed to test them. Cosmetic animal testing is cruel alternative of doing real research and find out what products really nuisances people. There are many cosmetic companies that test on animals, including many major brands. Every day, the cosmetic companies that experiments on animals are subjected to a variety of animals those cruel and inhumane attitudes. Over the years, the number of wins by animal rights campaigns and lots of already tested on animals to stop.In late 1980 and early 1990, there are many leading companies to stop testing cosmetics on animals in response to negative publicity from animal rights groups. Moreover, in recent years the interest in sustainable products both companies eco-friendly and animal’s cosmetics have more burden to stop testing on animals. However, despite interest in cruelty cosmetics for the practice of cosmetic companies that test on animals, there are many cosmetic companies involved in this cases. Top cosmetic companies that test on animals are Maybelline.Maybelline is one of the largest cosmetic companies that test on animals. When it comes to market share, Maybelline has a market share of 7. 4% in the world of cosmetics. Not like the other companies that have stopped animal testing over the years, Maybelline has continued to test on animals. Secondly is L'Oreal, the greater share of the world market of cosmetics with the 5. 3% market share. The company was also the subject of animal rights campaigns, because it is one of the main cosmetic companies that test on animals.The group called L’Oreal Nature watches continue to criticized the current boycott L'Oreal Company argues that even gives animal tests in 1989. Nature watch show that while L'Oreal will no longer be able to test finished products on animals, the ingredients tested on animals. Lancome has a market share of 4% of the world and, inappropriately, one of the c osmetic companies that test on animals. Like other cosmetic companies that test on animals, has done a lot of web sites that keep trash of companies that use animal testing and is commonly avoided by those whom wishing to be considerate consumers.Max Factor has a 2. 8% share of the world market, it is sufficient to include it among the major cosmetic companies that test on animals. The company has been targeted by animal rights activists over the years, both relating to animal testing for cosmetic products, as well as the fact that Max Factor parent company Procter ;amp; Gamble-test a variety of animal products. Cover Girl has a 2. 7% share of the world market, the number of high-ranking enough to five major cosmetic companies that test on animals. As for Max Factor, Cover Girl is owned by Procter ;amp; Gamble, which has tested several products on animals.Although Procter and Gamble claimed that stopped animal testing for 80% of its products, continues to test various products on an imals. In addition to these companies, there are many other cosmetic companies that test on animals. The products are not tested on animals in General clearly labeled. There are millions of animals that have suffered violent, painful death in the name of research. Live animals such as human beings, but people seem to think that animals are just mere tools at their disposal. The types of animal testing research are medical, surgical, and cosmetic testing.For years researchers have been using animals as test tool for human drugs. People say that using animals, we are getting closer to finding a cure for cancer, but in fact, all the researchers found was a cure for cancer in rats, but it just does not work in humans, according to the former head of the U. S. National Cancer Institute. Animals and humans built different, because these animals do not get sick in the same way that people do. Every year in the United States alone, there are more than 100,000 human deaths caused by drugs al l have successfully passed the test animals.Since all that extensive research has failed, it has been a waste of time that could have been spent using alternative test will be more reliable and accurate for medical research. Surgery is another form of animal testing where prepared animal cut open the stomach just to see how they work as if they were some kind of machine. Type or analyzed animals in schools which are frogs, cats, dogs, pigs, rats, rabbits, fish, worms, and insects. Frogs taken from the wild and other animals taken from carnage houses, animal shelter, pound, pet stores, and are also free to good home ads.A PETA undercover investigator in one of the country’s largest supplier of animals to be used for the operation had been told by his supervisor that some cats are killed have become animal companions have ran away from their homes and the fact that students do experiments on animals other one and only. Animals used for surgery being blasted, and sometimes, they were brought out alive and in pain only to be injected with formaldehyde, which is harshly irritating caustic substance that causes a painful death.Students who dissect animals are sensitive to the sanctity of life, and surgery can encourage students to killed animals elsewhere, perhaps in their own backyard. Animals adequate to live their lives the way they naturally planned for. Cosmetics industry uses animals to determine their security products. As a result of testing done, millions of animals suffer a painful to death. A type of test used on animals called irritancy test where liquid, granule, flake, or powdered substance falls into albino rabbit eye group.Because of this, irritated rabbit eyes become swollen and may bleed. Even though rabbits alive and aware, almost fifty percent of the test animals death usually within 2 or 3 weeks. There is another type of test done to establish what skin care products are safe for humans called skin irritancy test. Those tests are mostly c onducted in rabbits and guinea pigs. This is processes that involves shaving the animal and put chemicals on raw skin and cover their bare skin with adhesive plaster. Animals will be moving in the block device to prevent them from fighting.This form of the test may be far worst child; these animals that undergo test only for a new lipstick or perfume live in enclosures, small crowded in fear or pain and suffering. Animals have different biological systems or human testing may not be as accurate. A cosmetic testing on animals is not only offensive, but also it is also very expensive. Alternative test can maintain the same amount of data, and less expensive and not cruel to animals. The fact that people take small animals that are unable to punish them, just so people can make themselves look and feel better is just wide of the mark.There is a more logical way of testing described above. Test more accurate and less offensive to living things, such as â€Å"synthetic skin,† call ed Corrosive, computer modeling and numerical Marine Local Lymph Node Assay design better, (LLNA). It is a proven fact that animals feel pain just like humans, but we still think its okay torture and kill animals in the name of science. If this is the man that researchers have used it will be considered unethical and immoral. We must end the cruelty and torture for this because as humans, animals, wildlife.No matter how it is viewed, it is cruel and unusual punishment. The soul is the same in all living things, and even the body of each is different. If people would take the time and attract what this quote really means, then maybe they will have a better respect and understanding for animals and see why animal testing is morally wrong, and torment beings who can’t speak for themselves. If scientists can find a way to find out what materials people react negatively to, there would be no need to test on animals.